Our Projects
The Bookbike
The Pima County Public Library Bookbike is a three-wheeled bicycle that provides free services to the community where they are. Library staff, Bike Ambassadors, and volunteers visit people where they are and give them free books, free reading glasses (donated by the Downtown Lions Club), and information about the library. We regularly visit locations around Tucson including the Armory Park Senior Center, Casa Maria Soup Kitchen, Eon Youth Lounge, and we restock Little Free Libraries.
You can help the Bookbike by donating books, volunteering to ride along with the Bookbike or making a donation so the program can purchase more high demand materials such as cookbooks and books in Spanish.
Books on Wheels
The Books on Wheels program brings library books to Tucsonans who are homebound within a 5 mile radius of the Wilmot, Himmel and Main libraries. Library customers tell us how many books they want each month and let us know their favorite authors and genres. They are matched up with volunteers who will select books and get them ready for delivery. Once a month, Bike Ambassadors swing by the library to pick up the books and provide a welcome delivery. They don’t just drop off the books and leave, but rather have a visit, share new authors and recent reads and bring back suggestions for the volunteers for the next month. This program brings a friendly visitor to residents who often do not have a lot of outside contact.
You can help the Books on Wheels project by becoming a selection volunteer. If you like to read books, we can match you up with someone and you will be their steady selector once every month.